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  3. WordPress中文开发手册
  4. WordPress REST API手册
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  6. 类别


Schema #Schema

The schema defines all the fields that exist for a category object.

integer Unique identifier for the term.
Read only

Context: view, embed, edit

integer Number of published posts for the term.
Read only

Context: view, edit

string HTML description of the term.
Context: view, edit

string, uri URL of the term.
Read only

Context: view, embed, edit

string HTML title for the term.
Context: view, embed, edit

string An alphanumeric identifier for the term unique to its type.
Context: view, embed, edit

string Type attribution for the term.
Read only

Context: view, embed, edit

One of: category, post_tag, nav_menu, link_category, post_format

integer The parent term ID.
Context: view, edit

object Meta fields.
Context: view, edit

Example Request #Example Request

$ curl -X OPTIONS -i http://demo.wp-api.org/wp-json/wp/v2/categories

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List Categorys #List Categorys

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Arguments #Arguments

context Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response.
Default: view

One of: view, embed, edit

page Current page of the collection.
Default: 1

per_page Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.
Default: 10

search Limit results to those matching a string.
exclude Ensure result set excludes specific IDs.

include Limit result set to specific IDs.

order Order sort attribute ascending or descending.
Default: asc

One of: asc, desc

orderby Sort collection by term attribute.
Default: name

One of: id, include, name, slug, term_group, description, count

hide_empty Whether to hide terms not assigned to any posts.
parent Limit result set to terms assigned to a specific parent.
post Limit result set to terms assigned to a specific post.
slug Limit result set to terms with a specific slug.
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Definition #Definition

GET /wp/v2/categories

Example Request #Example Request

$ curl http://demo.wp-api.org/wp-json/wp/v2/categories

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Retrieve a Category #Retrieve a Category

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Arguments #Arguments

context Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response.
Default: view

One of: view, embed, edit

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Definition #Definition

GET /wp/v2/categories/

Example Request #Example Request

$ curl http://demo.wp-api.org/wp-json/wp/v2/categories/

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Create a Category #Create a Category

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Arguments #Arguments

description HTML description of the term.
name HTML title for the term.
Required: true

slug An alphanumeric identifier for the term unique to its type.
parent The parent term ID.
meta Meta fields.
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Definition #Definition

POST /wp/v2/categories

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Update a Category #Update a Category

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Arguments #Arguments

description HTML description of the term.
name HTML title for the term.
slug An alphanumeric identifier for the term unique to its type.
parent The parent term ID.
meta Meta fields.
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Definition #Definition

POST /wp/v2/categories/

Example Request #Example Request

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Delete a Category #Delete a Category

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Arguments #Arguments

force Required to be true, as terms do not support trashing.
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Definition #Definition

DELETE /wp/v2/categories/

Example Request #Example Request

$ curl -X DELETE http://demo.wp-api.org/wp-json/wp/v2/categories/